
202404--205404 规划30年、每月定投! 这一路将如履薄冰、你们说我能走到对面吗?

2054 Initial Chapter (0/360)

This is a personal experimental test, as follows

  1. Deposit a sum of money every month for retirement, plan to invest for 360 months (30 years: 202404-205404), will continue to update monthly, titled "X/360" at the beginning.

  2. Deposit amount: Calculated based on the initial salary of workers in the current market, considering the amount of five insurances and one fund to be paid. The amount will be adjusted annually according to the situation, with an initial monthly investment of 155 USDT.

  3. Investment return: Not less than 7.66% annually is sufficient. The logic is twofold: one is to beat inflation, and the other is the average return rate of the national investment of workers' money (social security fund).

  4. Logic for possible expenditures: Medical emergencies.

  5. Reasons for choosing to record here: One is to permanently store memories on the blockchain, and the other is for decentralized privacy protection in case of failure to show off.

  6. That's it.



Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.